Material- & Zustandsanalyse


Structural Investigations on Leonardo da Vinci’s Mural Painting „The Last Supper“ with Terahertz FMCW and TDS Techniques (2022). Bauer, M., Fukunaga, K., Keil, A., Aramini, F., Palazzo, M., Dall’Aglio, L. & Friederich, F. In: 2022 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Milan, Italy, 2022, pp. 808-811. [ PDF ]

Innovative damage and material analysis in 3D by integrating different technologies (2020). Weber, P.-K. In: Cultural Heritage in Crisis. Cultural Heritage Research at European Level – Challenges in Times of Climate Change and Digitalization, 31-34. [ PDF ]

A new system for fast ultrasound tomography at marble sculptures (2020). Tiefensee, F., Degel, C., Weber, P.-K., Bost, W., Moses, M. & Schmieger, M. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (Eds, 2020). Monument Future: Decay and Conservatio of Stone. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, 239-244. [ PDF ]

HydroCrawler – An innovative autonomous surface vehicle for high precision underwater measurements (2019). Degel, C., Peter, L., Schmieger, M. & Hewener, H. In: Proceedings Oceans 2019. [ Request PDF ]

MUSICES – Musical Instrument Computed Tomography Examination Standard: The Final Report Featuring Methods for Optimization, Results of Measurements, Recommondations, Check-lists and Meta-Data Models (2019). Fuchs, T., Wagner, R., Kretzer, C., Scholz, G., Bär, F., Kirsch, S., Wolters-Rosbach, M. & Fischeidl, K. 9th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT) 2019, 13-15 Feb, Padova, Italy. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing Vol. 24(3). [ PDF ]

Identification of harmful substances and characterization of Elastomers by Thermal Analysis (2019). Jelen, E. In: Tagungsband Kunststoffe für die Ewigkeit – Plastics Forever? Hygiene Museum Dresden 19./20.09.2019

Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Scanning of Musical Instruments (2018). Bär, P., Fuchs, T., Kirsch, S., Wagner, R., Scholz, G., Kretzer, C., Schielein, R., Brennhäußer, G., Böhnel, M., Reims, N., Eberhorn, M., Koppers, T., Raquet, M., Wolters-Rosbach, M., Fischeidl, K., Wagner, S., Zepf, M. In: Wooden Musical Instruments – Different Forms of Knowledge, Book of End of WoodMusICK COST Action FP1302, 2018. [ PDF ]

LightProbe: A 64-channel programmable ultrasound transducer head with an integrated front-end and a 26.4 Gb/s optical link (2017). Hager, P. A., Risser, C., Weber, P.-K. & Benini, L. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2017, 1-4. [ PDF ]

Ultrasonic phased array technology for the non-destructive testing of marble sculptures (2016). Tiefensee, F., Weber, P.-K., Kunz, S., Pamplona, M. & Simon, S. Studies in Conservation, Volume 61, Issue 2, 2016. [ Request PDF ]

Gefahrstoffe einfacher substituieren (2015). Müller, T., Jelen, E. & Sengespeick, A. In: P&A-Kompendium 2014/2015: Perspektive Prozessindustrie. Die wichtigsten Technologie-Trends. Die wichtigsten Anbieter München, 2014, S. 187-189. [ PDF ]

Investigations of Art Work Materials by a Fiber-Coupled THz TDS (2010). Panzner, M. et. al. 3rd International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Imaging, 2.-3.03.2010.

Untersuchung von Kunstobjekten mit Terahertz-Zeitdomänenspektroskopie (2010).
Panzner, M., RESTAURO 8, 2010.

3D-confocal-microscopy: New advantages for non destructive measurements (2009). Jelen, E. In: Noldt, U. (2009). European Cooperation in Science and Technology -COST-, Action IE0601 “Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage” -WoodCultHer-, Institut für Holztechnologie und Holzbiologie -HTB-, Hamburg: International Conference on Wooden Cultural Heritage 2009. Evaluation of deterioration and management of change. Hamburg/Germany,October 7-10, 2009, 2009, S. 59. [ Abstract ]

Dekontamination biozidbelasteter Kunst- und Kulturgüter aus Holz (2009). Jelen, E. & Püschner, K. In: Wiedemann, G. (2009). Laseranwendung in Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege: Grundlagen – Chancen – Perspektiven (2009). Tagung am 30. und 31. Januar 2009 in Osnabrück, S.165-170. ISBN 9783816781066

Laser cleaning of contaminated wooden objects (2009). Jelen, E., Wiedemann, G. & Püschner, K. In: Noldt, U. (2009). European Cooperation in Science and Technology -COST-, Action IE0601 “Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage” -WoodCultHer-, Brüssel; Institut für Holztechnologie und Holzbiologie -HTB-, Hamburg: International Conference on Wooden Cultural Heritage 2009. Evaluation of deterioration and management of change. Hamburg/Germany, October 7-10, 2009, 2009, S. 35. [ Abstract ]

THz – Time-Domain Spectroscopy a new Tool for the Analysis of hidden Art Objects (2009). Panzner, M. LACONA VIII, 2009, Sibiu (Romania)

Application of THz Technology for the Investigation of Art Objects (2008). Panzner, M. et. al. 3rd International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Imaging, 4.-5.03.2008, Fraunhofer IWS, Dresden (Germany)

Potential of THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy in object inspection for restoration (2007).
M. Panzner et. al., LACONAVII, 17.-21.09.2007

Non-Destructive Investigation of Paintings with THz-Radiation (2006). Panzner, M. et. al. EC NDT, Berlin, 25.-29.09.2006 [ PDF ]

Laser Cleaning of Gildings (2005). Panzner, M., LACONA VI, Wien, 21.-25.09.2005 [ Request PDF ]